Jacci Quiney - Junior Club Leader
Jacci leads our Friday night Junior Club and also takes an active leadership role in events at the Church.
Vanessa Saunders - Assistant YPSM (Childrens Worker)
Vanessa leads our Kids Alive Sunday Club and various other activities for the Children and Youth in the Church
Petersfield Salvation Army
Steve Field - Corps Sergeant Major
Steve assists the Corps Officer in making key decisions and provides direction to realise the Corps vision.
He supports our church family in spiritual growth and also coordinates ministry outside the church.
Brian Edwards - Assistant Corps Sergeant Major
Brian assists the Corps Sergeant Major
Ruth Field - Deputy Child Protection Officer
Ruth is responsible for poster & flyers, news sheets, website and FaceBook pages.
She also helps with the Youth & Children's Work in the Church.
Major Michael Harris - Corps Officer (Church Minister)
Michael has resposibility of all spiritual aspects of the corps (church), the community & corps programme. Â He provides support to all people who attend and visit the church.
The Leadership Team ...